North Yorkshire Council
7 January 2025
Area Committee Feedback Report
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services
To bring to the attention of the Executive key issues considered at recent meetings of the Area Committees (ACs). |
2.1 The Area Committee received a report from the Highways Team, which contained an options appraisal on the implementation of a 20mph speed limit on Hookstone Road and Hookstone Drive, which had been requested at the May 2024 meeting. As part of this item, several public statements were delivered is support of such a scheme, but members heard that this was not proposed under the current 20mph policy. It was agreed that the current scheme needed time to be implemented, but that at any future review of the policy, there were additional areas in Harrogate which needed to be considered for inclusion as part of 20mph areas. Members also agreed to explore options for an information campaign, targeted around areas of high pedestrian traffic, to highlight the dangers of excessive speed.
2.2 The Community Safety and CCTV Team delivered an update, and members provided feedback on the format and content of future updates. This included a proposal for North Yorkshire Police to attend annually at the same time. The team were in the process of seeking similar feedback from other ACs, with a view to agreeing a standardised approach in the New Year.
2.3 Members also heard updates from partner agencies on matters of local interest. This included information on urgent and emergency care in Harrogate and Knaresborough from the Harrogate and District Foundation Trust, where changes to stroke care pathways were discussed, and it was agreed that the Trust should be invited back annually. A joint presentation from the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water updated the Area Committee on the first Bathing Water Quality results for the River Nidd at the Lido in Knaresborough. These indicated that for 2024 the bathing water was rated “poor”, and the presentation provided context and information on next steps. The Climate Change Working Group agreed to monitor this issue, arranging a follow up meeting and agreeing to provide updates back to the Area Committee.
2.4 On climate change matters, members heard updates from the Climate Change team on the delivery of projects in the Harrogate and Knaresborough area, and also from Zero Carbon Harrogate (ZCH) discussing the work of the voluntary sector in delivering training, advice, and guidance. It was agreed that the Climate Change Working Group would look to invite both officers and representatives from ZCH to attend future working group meetings.
2.5 The Area Committee also heard reports outlining the delivery of projects funded by the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund. This included final approval of an amended scoping form for the last project, meaning that all projects under the fund had now been approved by the AC.
2.6 Further information about the meeting can be found here –
3.1 A public statement was received that related to the regeneration of land identified as SK139 in the Craven Local Plan. Another public statement was received and related to the petition titled ‘20mph speed limit for High and Low Bentham’ at paragraph 3.5 below.
3.2 An update on the Airedale Hospital rebuild was received by Members and there was a positive reaction to the news. Members requested information on the area that Airedale Hospital serves and dates for future updates are to be agreed.
3.3 An update on the development at Kex Gill was provided and Members were pleased with the information presented. Members highlighted the importance of informing residents of any full road closures in good time. A date for a future update is to be agreed.
3.4 An update on Community Safety was presented and noted by Members. Following a discussion, Members suggested that biannual updates come to the Area Committee with attendance of North Yorkshire Police at one of these where possible.
3.5 The Area Committee received a petition titled ‘20mph speed limit for High and Low Bentham’. Following a public statement, the introduction of the petition and a short Officer update, Members debated the issue and resolved that the Committee recommends that Officers proceed to consultation on the introduction of the 20mph speed limits set out in the report. It was also resolved that Officers continue to investigate Low Bentham Road (outside the school) with the intention of introducing a 20mph speed limit.
3.6 Members received an update on NYC’s Housing Strategy and there was a lengthy discussion on affordable housing. Members appreciated the update, and a regular report is to be discussed at a later date.
3.7 A report by the former Craven District Council was submitted to Members and there was a discussion on the impact of tourism on the Skipton and Ripon area. Members agreed to contact the stakeholders that were approached during the original investigation by the former Craven District Council to gather whether issues are persistent.
3.8 Members received an exempt report relating to care homes in the Skipton and Ripon area. Following a good discussion, Members noted the report, and a date for a future update is to be agreed.
3.9 Further information about the meeting can be found here –
4.1 The Head of Harbours and Infrastructure provided an update to the committee on general harbour matters including planned improvements and repairs to harbour infrastructure and the development of a new Harbour Strategy and Investment Plan which would seek to optimise opportunities for the harbours, for example from the emerging offshore windfarm industry. The committee expressed disappointment at the delay in progressing the offshore renewables agenda, infrastructure improvements, and the development of a new Harbour Strategy and urged the Leader of the Council to address these delays and ensure the harbour team had sufficient resource to deliver the new strategy to secure the ongoing success of the harbours. Despite the committee’s criticisms, members commended the harbours’ annual performance report against the Port Marine Safety Code as evidenced by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s health check earlier in the year which had confirmed compliance with the code and highlighted several ‘good practice’ areas which had since been shared with other authorities around the UK.
4.2 The committee received a presentation by the Chief Executive and Deputy Head of Business Intelligence at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on a relatively new data tool they are using to collect information around patients who did not attend face to face outpatient hospital appointments. Although the Trust as a whole performed well nationally (in the top decile) in relation to missed hospital appointments, further analysis revealed that for local Scarborough postcodes in deprived areas, there was a larger incidence of patients who missed appointments the majority of whom lived within three miles of Scarborough Hospital. To explore the data tool in greater depth, the Trust agreed to provide an informal seminar for the committee when members could ask questions about hospital site, locality, specialty and other matters.
4.3 The committee received a presentation by the Director of Public Health and her colleagues which provided an overview of health in North Yorkshire’s coastal communities together with initiatives in a variety of areas to tackle health challenges and inequalities and to secure improvements. These areas included work to promote mental health and oral health in schools, the autumn vaccination programmes, and preventative work on raising awareness of blood pressure and smoking cessation.
4.4 The Assistant Chief Executive Local Engagement addressed the committee about the new Scarborough Cross-Council Task Force which had been set up to oversee the coordination of North Yorkshire Council activity to tackle a range of key priorities in the town. Their initial work was focused on (i) improving the 'on-street' look and feel of the town centre, (ii) enabling residents and visitors to feel safer in Scarborough, and (iii) identifying how services can be better joined up to support young or vulnerable residents.
4.5 The committee was delighted to learn more about Scarborough Open Air Theatre’s growing success as a local and regional venue. The Head of Venues and Attractions advised that 2024 enjoyed the highest ticket sales of any year since the venue was redeveloped, the joint highest number of concerts in any season (18), significant improvements to the venue, and according to the STEAM model, an estimated value to the local economy in excess of £8.5million.
4.6 Finally, the committee endorsed the Government’s proposed reforms of Bathing Water Regulations 2013 prompted by changes in how and where people used bathing waters as set out in a DEFRA consultation to which the council would respond.
4.7 Further information about the meeting can be found here:
5.1 Keir Mather MP provided an update on his ongoing work before Members raised several concerns. The topics discussed related to improving mobile phone signal; protecting communities from flooding; improving road safety, particularly by using fixed speed cameras; and improving SEND provision by ensuring that NYC receives a fair amount. Members appreciated the discussion and requested that Sir Alec Shelbrooke MP also be invited to future meetings.
5.2 Members received a housing stock update and showed particular interest in the stock regarded as non-decent; the number of empty houses, the duration that these had been empty, and their locations; the target number of retrofit properties; and the percentage of improvement work that is done internally and externally. As well as the above, Members requested a breakdown of social housing in each division and suggested that this information be brought to the Area Committee on a regular basis.
5.3 A presentation on the Selby Station Gateway (TCF) outlined the local context, proposal and works programme. Members were frustrated by the delays and raised concerns that the baseline data collected at the start of the project may now be out of date. There was support for improving access to Selby Rail and Bus Stations and Members requested a quarterly update on the project.
5.4 Members received a presentation on the multi-phase Vision for Selby which aims to deliver housing, employment and commercial development. The five phases are: Selby Station Gateway (TCF); Abbey Quarter; Station Quarter; Olympia Quarter; and Crosshills Lane. Members raised concerns regarding the Olympia Quarter phase but were otherwise supportive of the scheme. They requested that Officers keep Members up to date on the situation.
5.5 Members were presented with a Project Scoping Form for the Real Time Bus Information project. This £40,000 project was endorsed by the Area Committee and Members agreed that any underspend on the other two projects should be directed towards this.
5.6 Members added the following items to the work programme:
· Information on the closure of Dennison House Care Home should be provided urgently. This should include information on the residents and where they are being relocated to.
· Following concerns regarding the closure of a SEND unit, Members agreed to request that the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee conduct an immediate and urgent review of the current SEND provision across the former Selby District that addresses delivery gaps. Members requested that a report be produced within three months to reassure parents and local schools.
· Information on Planning and Environmental Health enforcement. This should include what is being done; any difficulties that are faced; who is responsible for the enforcement; and details on enforcement powers, how they operate and how often they are used. Members agreed that an informal session be organised to discuss this information.
· Following an email exchange where the locations of Selby and Ainsty’s knife bins were discussed, Members suggested that Community Safety Officers discuss the report presented at Item 11 on the agenda.
· Regarding Item 12 on the agenda, Members queried the situation in the Ainsty area.
5.7 Further information about the meeting can be found here:
6.1 A public question was received, which requested that items on coastal matters brought to Scarborough and Whitby Area Committee also be brought to the Thirsk and Malton Area Committee, as these matters pertained to Filey and Hunmanby.
The Chair replied that the Division members were invited to attend relevant meetings of Scarborough and Whitby Area Committee, so they may participate in the discussion if they wish. These councillors may decide that certain issues particularly affect their divisions and so warrant inclusion on an agenda of the Thirsk and Malton Area Committee.
6.2 The Transformation Lead and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NYnet updated Members of the progress of digital connectivity across North Yorkshire.
Members discussed the report and questioned the officers on the following topics:
· Free WiFi coverage for North Yorkshire market towns
· A discussion and explanation of network provision by commercial providers
· The issues of “not spots” and how soon provision would be improved
· The impact on the local highway infrastructure when works took place
· Use of mobile phones during electricity outages and battery backups under consultation by Ofcom
The CEO of NYnet then gave Members an overview and explanation of vape sensors marketed by the company.
6.3 The Parish Liaison and Local Devolution Manager and the Principal Democratic Services Manager gave a presentation to introduce Members to the work of their teams and give an update on the current work.
Members discussed the issues raised by the presentation, including the difficulties faced by parish councils such as recruiting Parish Clerks and encouraging people to stand as Councillors, training and the potential for providing a locum clerk service.
Members then asked that the following information be shared with them:
· The number of complaints received, and actions taken by Standards and Governance
· The various options for support for parish councils that were being explored
6.4 The Partnership Manager, Community Safety gave an update on Community Safety and CCTV focusing on Community Safety Hubs, CCTV and the wider strategic Community Safety Partnership work.
Members requested that officers attend the Area Committee on an annual basis.
6.5 Members discussed the committee’s work programme and asked that a written update be provided to a future meeting on the status of the weight limit restriction and Air Quality Management Plan in Malton.
6.6 Further information about the meeting can be found here:
7.1 A number of representations were received by the Committee in relation to the recently adopted Home to School Transport Policy, including a petition, which triggered the Council’s petition scheme in terms of numbers. The matter would now be debated at an additional meeting of the Committee, as part of the petition scheme process, in January 2025.
7.2 Martin Dodd, Area Operations Manager (North Yorkshire), Yorkshire Ambulance Service, attended the meeting to assist Members with their discussion of ambulance response times in the Constituency area. A number of concerns were discussed.
7.3 Head of Resilience and Emergencies, Matt Robinson, provided Members with an update on the resilience and emergencies plan. Members discussed:
· discrepancies within the report relating to which Electoral Division certain features were located
· the need to ensure that local communities were fully aware of what was required of them during emergency situations
· a serious incident that had occurred in a local community of which the local Councillor had not been made aware - Silver Command were always contactable with details of the duty officer available in the Members Handbook
· some Plans developed and under development were not detailed in the report which was a disincentive to those involved
· flooding issues and warnings issued by the Environment Agency
7.4 Barrie Mason – Assistant Director, Highways and Transportation provided a report updating Members the on delivery of EV charging Infrastructure across the Area Committee area. He provided details regarding the connection of existing EVCs in the former Hambleton area, and how these were being prioritised through the LEVI programme, as difficulties with the previous contract had seen a number left unconnected. An update was also provided of the development of the infrastructure in the former Richmond District.
7.5 Paul Romans, Community Safety & CCTV Manager provided an update on Community Safety & CCTV across North Yorkshire including a focus on Community Safety Hubs, CCTV and the wider strategic Community Safety Partnership work. Issues discussed included:-
· the inconsistent service provided by CCTV in the area
· the possibility of a joint CCTV service in Catterick Garrison alongside the MoD
· the current quality of images from the Stokesley CCTV cameras and the possibility of improvement
7.6 Further information about the meeting can be found here:
8.1 The financial and legal implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Committees in November and December 2024.
9.1 The climate change implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Committees in November and December 2024.
10.1 The equalities implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Committees in November and December 2024.
11.1 The recommendations to the Executive have been made by the Area Committees as part of their consideration of local issues at their November and December 2024 round of committee meetings.
12.1 The Executive is asked to note the report and consider any matters arising from the work of the Area Committees detailed above, that merit further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level. |
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services
County Hall
Report Author:
Elizabeth Jackson – Principal Democratic Services Officer
Background Documents:
Agenda, papers and minutes of the six Area Committee meetings in November and December 2024, which can be accessed via the following link -
Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.